Thursday, July 17, 2008

the heat is killing my motivation

I am usually really motivated to ride. I take the time to groom properly, itch the itchy spots, change into riding pants and tall boots, lunge, everything. It's been a struggle the past few days. By the time I get up, drive 30min to work (which is taking care of 5 rescue horses), drive back and find some food, I am hot, sweaty, and tired. Not sleeping well is part of it, but growing up in the North with the long cold winters, the heat just kills me. It's one thing to sit on the beach in an itsy-bitsy bathing suit; but jeans and boots while doing physical labor just take it right out of me.

Anyways, what this all means is that I have been slacking. The past two days I rode for all of 20min. Granted they were good 20min, nice and deep with a steady contact, but as soon as a got a little something, I called it quits. Then today, I didn't get out to the barn until 7:30pm (I'm usually out by 5pm at the latest), and wasn't even going to ride. Then my friend wanted help with her gelding, and begged me to stay. Basically Lily got spoiled rotten. The guy I work for believes that there is no such thing as too many treats. And every once in a while Lily gets lucky and I don't empty my pockets before getting to the barn, tonight was one of those days. Plus, I had Gatorade, one of her personal favorites!

My ride tonight consisted of a a halter and lead rope with me wearing shorts and flip-flops, yes, I know, I'm a terrible person. Lily was hysterical! With-in 3 minutes on the ground she figured out which pocket had the treats in them, and would not leave me alone. She just gets so excited and wants them sooo badly, but knows better then to get really pushy. It's like watching a toddler try and be really nice so he can have another cookie.

So I sat in the middle of the ring bareback for 25min and gave my friend a lesson. Lily was super relaxed, in fact, my friend asked jokingly if she was drugged. Her head was down she had a foot cocked, happy as can be. Every couple minutes she would nudge my foot and ask for a treat. It was one of those nights where you know exactly why you love these amazing animals such.

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